I was simply hoping to go through the game and discover stuff that can be useful for others. When I first started practicing for this speed run, I wasn't expecting to have a decent time, much less set the standard for future runners.

Before I forget, I want to thank Hotarubi and all the Super Metroid tasers out there who truly inspired me to embark on this project.And of course, how could I not thank everyone in the Vagrant Story thread who provided encouragement, constructive criticism, and lively discussion? Gmacd (for starting the thread), moooh, rainman7, zenicreverie, ryuken, akheon, cannibalk9, Zugzwang (especially because of the bounty which provided more impetus), lag, bananamatic, translocating, instinctsage, and lastly AshleyRiot2006 for shedding some light on certain controversies I won't address here.All the administrators/moderators at SDA who maintain the site and do a damn good job of it: Enhasa, Mike Uyama, Nate, Dex, Morfans, bmn, ballofsnow, NahkahiiR, and last but certainly not least Radix.Also, Beamup for his Combat Mechanics Guide (also on Gamefaqs) which helped confirm most of my strategies on bosses (particularly regarding chain evade stats). Babo07052 for his First Play Speed Walkthrough on Gamefaqs which I relied on for the route.And of course they nurtured the love I have for video games, one way or another. Carlos who pretty much lets me live at his house for dirt cheap rent and allowed me to use his HD television for this project. Jose bought the game when it was released and eventually gave it to me since he wasn't too fond of it actually. My older brothers Jose Juan and Carlos.This run is dedicated to my father Daniel, even though he wouldn't approve of my spending time on this hobby.įirstly I'd like to thank certain people who helped make this speed run possible: