Note: I have not included verbatim feat descriptions this is to avoid plagiarism.
Dnd pitfall trap update#
The most recent update included feats from Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons. I’m not including the Strixhaven “feats” unless they become mainstream outside of the setting they’re designed for. As of this publication’s recent update, there are 78 officially published feats in D&D Fifth Edition, and I’ve painstakingly reviewed each one. I omit feat descriptions due to copyrighted material. I’ve listed every official feat so that I can grade them and provide my thoughts. I have my own opinions, so strap in as I spew my thoughts onto the internet.

Feats should be flexible, creating variety in our characters, and I generally think 5e feats have failed to do. Unfortunately, many feats push a character to select character choices, such as many ranged characters using hand crossbows because the Crossbow Expert feat is so good. Other feats seem like must-haves by various players. I believe that it’s acceptable for a portion of feats not to be as good as others, but some feats seem like traps lying in wait for hapless players to choose them. D&D 5e Feats: Overlooked and Undervalued Favoritesįeats add a degree of customization to a tabletop RPG that I enthusiastically enjoy however, there is inequality among feats.